Healing Adventures - Young People

There are many young people who inspire us.

They’ve got grit, determination, and delightful attitudes.

We’ve met numerous kids with these traits: They are positive and kind despite the issues of disability or disease in their own lives. But, like all of us, they sometimes need help lifting their spirits back up.

Everyone on the Sea Inspiration team is moved by their challenging situations, and we want to give these kids fun, positive, experiences they will always remember. We find ways to “recharge their batteries” and provide a kind of healing…while keeping a smile on their faces!

Our supporters make it possible for these young people to enjoy an outing and reap the therapeutic benefits of the sea (or island landscapes) with free-to-them activities such as zip-lining, surfing, paddling, snorkeling, canoeing, and swimming with marine wildlife.

Getting them into new, fun, exciting, situations helps them focus outside themselves and beyond whatever it is they are facing. We offer healing adventures – and a chance to “reset” their minds and bodies. Are you ready to pitch in and help make this happen?

Before our founder, Ray Hollowell, had even dreamed of starting a nonprofit, he had a unique experience as an ocean videographer that became part of his motivation to help young people with big challenges. In 2008, Ray was working as a water cameraman for a TV segment being produced about Nick Vujicic, an Australian man born without arms and legs. Nick was invited to learn how to surf in Waikiki with Bethany Hamilton. Bethany is a young lady from Hawaii who lost her arm in a shark attack, and she is the inspiration of the motion picture Soul Surfer.

Check out the great photos and videos of our Healing Adventures, and note the adorable and determined kids!

I want to help give these young people healing adventures by donating today!

If you would like to sponsor an entire Healing Adventure event, please email us. Thank you!

Success Stories - Young People


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