Healing Adventures - Service-injured U.S. military veterans

We’ve been working with wounded U.S. military veterans for years.

You probably know that Sea Inspiration works with kids because our hearts melt when we see them suffering or in struggling.

Well, it is exactly the same with military veterans who’ve been injured or become ill while serving. However, we feel an additional inspiration to help these men and women—because they made a conscious decision to put themselves “in harm’s way” to protect the rest of us.

We acknowledge their sacrifices on behalf of our country; their perseverance through difficulty; and their examples of determination to heal and move on with their lives…and we want to give back to them.

To help keep their spirits high, and to allow them to have a positive, life-changing time in nature, we offer them a variety of outings through the Healing Adventures program.

A list of potential experiences includes zip-lining, surfing, paddling, snorkeling, canoeing, swimming with marine wildlife, and more. Some of our ill and wounded veterans may also have the opportunity to skydive with our military spokesman, Colonel John Bates, U.S.M.C. (Retired), and his professional skydiving team, “the Flying Leathernecks!”

Our sponsors and supporters (like you!) make it possible for these noble men and women to enjoy a Healing Adventure and gain the therapeutic benefits of the islands’ sea- (or island-) scapes. Our veterans pay nothing, but to make this happen we need your help!

Your financial gift of any size will help make a Healing Adventure a reality.

If you would like to sponsor an entire Healing Adventure event, please email us. Thank you!

Success Stories with Wounded Military Veterans
